Ned Ludd wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 11:21 +0200, Jakub Moc wrote:
>> Mike Frysinger wrote:
>>> This is your monthly friendly reminder !  Same bat time (typically the
>>> 2nd Thursday once a month), same bat channel (#gentoo-council @
>>> !
>> Would like the Council to discuss the current state of Gentoo Bugzilla
>> [1] and anon CVS/SVN [2].
> Please elaborate why you need the council to discuss 
> ongoing active bugs that are in progress.

I would also like to know why the council has to be involved since
you've never sent an email to infra specifically asking the same thing
first. Sure makes sense to me that you should ask the group involved
with the work first instead of going to the top.

But since I'm typing it now, I might as well answer it.

I finally got the hardware this week for bugs, and I've been working on
bringing those boxes online. If I'm lucky, I'll have them at least
booting on their own today.

The anoncvs/svn stuff needs the attention of some knowledgeable cvs/svn
guru. We want to ensure that we cover all our grounds in the setup so
that we don't make a system that's easily DoS'able. If anyone wants to
help out with that, please contact KingTaco as he's the contact for that
project right now.

Patience is indeed a virtue.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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