Sent from my tablet On Oct 11, 2012 8:01 PM, "Marvin Humphrey" <> wrote: > > On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Roman Shaposhnik <> wrote: > > However, see my 'how would it help to clear 3 +1 IPMC votes hurdle' question > > on this thread'? > > If you help to audit the IP of the podling and to instill good habits and > values, it will make it considerably easier for the formal Mentors or other > IPMC members to add their +1. >
I hope not. Nobody, in my opinion, sh8old be voting on a release without having conducted the appropriate verifications themselves. I'm all for enabling more people who have demonstrated an understanding of the important of proper release voting to be a part of the IPMC. > The first AOO release got my freelance IPMC vote because it was clear that > they knew what they were doing and were taking their role as IP stewards (As a mentor I also voted +1 so don't take my next comments personally) This is a perfect example of why proper reviews are necessary. In the second AOO release a problem was discovered (that was present in the first release). Everyone who voted +1 either missed it (human error) or gave the false impression that they had verified the release. > , it is much more important > that the community members own the task of IP management themselves than that > they pass any sort of superficial documentation review. Isn't that a contradiction? If you voted +1 on the grounds of the PPMC knowing what they we doing isn't that a the most "superficial of documentation reviews"? It seems all you reviewed was some mailing list traffic. There is no doubt the PPMC was doing a pretty good job but without proper oversight from mentors there are a number of short cuts that would have been taken that would have been against policy. There really needs to be a proper review by everyone who votes. That's why we require 3 +1s rather than a majority or some other high barrier. > PS: People who help out with this demanding and time-consuming work accumulate > the sort of merit that lands them on the IPMC and in the ASF membership. > +1 I encourage us to empower more people who do the work so their vot3s are binding. Ross > Marvin Humphrey > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: >