On 16 October 2012 16:31, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 5:20 AM, Ross Gardler
> <rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:
>> My point is only that I'd prefer to give Roman, and people like him, a
>> +1 on the IPMC (assuming people vouch for him) than have someone else
>> voting +1 on a release without doing appropriate due diligence.
> If that's the easiest practical route -- please let me know what's needed
> for this 'vouch' process.

It's already happening - see the VOTE thread ;-)

> Now, part of the reason I'm asking this unusual (from ASF's meritocracy
> perspective) question is because in all other PMCs the accumulated
> merit is what really 'vouches' for the person during the PMC nomination.

Correct. I am not aware of your work in the Incubator so I can't vote
+1 for you (I'm +0). But as you will see there are plenty of people
who feel they can recognise your merit. Job done.

> IPMC, on the other hand, feels different since, practically speaking, the
> accumulation of the kind of merit IPMC cares for require *some* level
> of IPMC karma already.

Historically the IPMC has been ASF Members request to join and are
granted as a matter of course. Around six months ago we started to
change this when and voted in someone like yourself, who had
demonstrated sufficient merit here in the Incubator to warrant IPMC
membership regardless of ASF Member status. As it happens they are now
a Member as well, but in the few months between IPMC vote and
Membership vote he had already helped with reviews and binding +1s on
a couple of podling releases.

So you are right IPMC has, historically been a little different, but
not really by design and we are changing this as we speak. As you can
see from the VOTE thread the process is now much more like it is
elsewhere in the ASF.


> Thanks,
> Roman.
> P.S. In the meantime I'm already reaching out to existing mentors of
> some of the proposed podlings offering my help -- so far so good!
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Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
Programme Leader (Open Development)
OpenDirective http://opendirective.com

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