On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Suresh Marru <sma...@apache.org> wrote:
> But great suggestion Luciano (to use all the incumbent IPMC to help more 
> while experiences are fresh).
> My personal opinion is, the easiest way to look for projects needing help is 
> during releases. If a project
> comes to general list without the needed binding 3 IPMC votes, its highly 
> likely that podling needs mentors
> who can spare time to validate the releases. If any podling is struggling to 
> get the releases out, it might be
> useful for us to even take one more extra step and subscribe to the podling 
> dev list and help getting the
> releases right even before they are called for vote.

Validating a release is probably the greatest example of why I asked
the question
and suggested that formalization might be needed. At this point, being
a VP of a TLP
at Apache I feel pretty confident that I can help podlings with good feedback
on release practices. However, I can't really help them clear the '3 IPMC votes'
hurdle, can I?


P.S. Same question could be asked wrt. other activities requiring IPMC
karma, btw.

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