On Jun 3, 2011, at 11:09 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:

> On 03/06/2011 16:00, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
>>> Stupid question time: If TDF already has the *build* infrastructure,
>>> then isn't *that* a clear choice of where at least some level of
>>> cooperation can occur.
>>> After all, the ASF provides source... the TDF could provide
>>> the builds?? (but that's not all, of course)...
>> what a fantastic idea!
>> Nothing to add at the moment, but when I read it, I knew this might be
>> a very good direction.
> Please see Simon Phipps' email earlier today that contained a very similar 
> suggestion with some more detail, it would be nice to bring these two threads 
> together.

Simon's suggestion folded in the concept of TDF's "open repository"
as a factor, which confuses things most awkwardly.

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