Simon Phipps <> wrote on 06/03/2011 10:54:42 AM:

> That is what I was suggesting and which Rob claims he won't need because 
> so easy.


I don't think we should ever turn down an offer of help.  I was just 
suggesting that although the project is large and complex to build, we 
have several "existence proofs" of projects that have done this with 
requiring a high performance super computer. But with Apache Hadoop, 
maybe, just maybe....hmmm...

In any case, my understanding is that the discussion around the proposal 
is about what is possible and impossible, especially trying to identify 
and resolve anything that appears impossible or implausible.  I'm not 
trying to dismiss issues as not being worth of offers of assistance, but 
just trying to get us not to dwell on things that we know are not blocking 
issues.  It is triage.

In the podling itself, once the proposal is approved, we'll hash out in 
the project how to do it well.  And this will likely require some 
experimentation and iteration based on the new infrastructure, as well as 
any offer that emerges from 3rd parties, etc., to help with things like 
builds.  I'd welcome any help LO can offer in this area.



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