On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Ross Gardler <rgard...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Ahhh... Yes I see something missing from Simons mail here. I assumed that > the LibreOffice distribution would gradually migrate to using the core > components proposed here (Apache ODFSuite as Simin called it) and thus > collaboration on those components would also migrate here. > Yes, that's exactly what I assumed would happen in time. But my e-mail was already TL;DR :-) > If I understand correctly the donations from Oracle are not going to enable > us to build an appropriately licenced end user product without significant > work. Furthermore, the proposal and various press releases seem to indicate > that A key focus of this project will be componentisation of the code base > making it easier to reuse. > That is also my understanding. That's also why it's so important to have a plan for how to sustain the end-user binary at least at a no-worse-than-now level while the Apache project works out what has to go, what can stay, what needs rewriting and so on. I may be being naive, I prefer to think I'm an optimist. > Me too! S.