Brian just pointed me at the legal-discuss list thread ...

Why on earth would you bring up how the releases are made for Maven anywhere but on the Maven list first? No one on our PMC has the faintest idea that you are talking about us. I find this incredibly disrespectful, and cannot understand why the simplest of issues devolve into subterfuge here time after time after time.

Take the issue to the heart of the matter. It is quite demonstrable that no one here is actually going to change any of the tooling related to Maven except for the Maven developers, and while everyone bitches and complains the fact of the matter is that people here generally do very little constructively to fix something that is related to Maven. This is a case in point. I can assure that the most effective way to change something with the Maven-based release process is to actually make sure the Maven developers know. Without a heads up, a pointer, you have a pretty good chance that none of us have any idea what you're talking about.

As per usual we, the Maven developers, will do everything to fix the problem and we're generally fine with that but I definitely do not like conversations happening that involve us yet no attempt is made to contact us. The legal-discuss list is not something any typical Apache PMC member or committer has the vaguest interest in and is probably not subscribed. Olivier who is a PMC member is asking for a pointer to the discussion because he has no idea what's happening.

In the time you've spent talking about the problem -- and not with anyone who could probably fix it -- you probably could have altered the organization wide POM to make the assemblies you desire.

On 28-Apr-09, at 8:07 AM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Jason van Zyl <> wrote:

Ok, I think we are in general agreement. Are you personally of the
opinion that -sources.jar are not adequate as formal ASF releases?

They are not, they do not need to be, and they would be useless for the
purpose they serve. As long as the main distributables (like these at are accompanied by a source distribution
which can be built.

Excellent, then we are on the same page after all. I totally agree to
the usefulness of the -sources.jars, and that is not something I want
to remove... (I obviously need to improve my skills of understanding
how my communication can be interpreted and correct it to be less

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven

Simplex sigillum veri. (Simplicity is the seal of truth.)

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