On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:49 AM, Jason van Zyl <jvan...@sonatype.com> wrote:

> Don't spread FUD like that. You don't have any idea how Maven releases work
> so I'll take a moment and explain it to you.

Dude, chill! Mocking me isn't appreciated.

I have been around the Maven block long enough (and you know that),
use it more than I would like to admit, and at another OSS project we
use the Release plugin as our *only* published output. The topic is on
legal-discuss, and perhaps it should continue there only...

> You are confusing an aggregate release with the releases of the
> individual components which is what Maven users need to consume. We account
> for both for the case where a user grabs the distribution to use,

> We do the necessary and the nice to have. More working developers actually
> care about the nice to have.

Well, in my understanding of the ASF release spirit, we releases
Sources that are buildable by those who downloads them, with certain
legal requirements. The policy specifies indirectly that "whatever the
source download is" it produces (with instructions! and possibly a set
of system requirements) the binary, which may be provided as
convenience. Maven "by default" (yes, I am aware of assemblies)
doesn't do this and projects have to do a bit of work. That is what I
have said before and until we sort out on legal-discuss it will remain
my position on the topic. If you mean that I need Eclipse to "build"
any source releases of Maven-based projects, you are testing *my*

For the record, Yes, I am a bit wary of lavish (either too complex to
set up, requiring a GUI or too expensive for an average user) system
requirements for builds and/or usage of Apache projects.

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java

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