On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Jason van Zyl <jvan...@sonatype.com> wrote:

>> Ok, I think we are in general agreement. Are you personally of the
>> opinion that -sources.jar are not adequate as formal ASF releases?
> They are not, they do not need to be, and they would be useless for the
> purpose they serve. As long as the main distributables (like these at
> http://apache.org/dist/maven/) are accompanied by a source distribution
> which can be built.

Excellent, then we are on the same page after all. I totally agree to
the usefulness of the -sources.jars, and that is not something I want
to remove... (I obviously need to improve my skills of understanding
how my communication can be interpreted and correct it to be less

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
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