On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 6:46 AM, Vincent Siveton
<vincent.sive...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You need to do a checkout of the tag to build it.
> The source artifacts provide only java source, no build file.


As others have pointed out, the ASF releases Open SOURCE, not Open
Binaries and part of the policy is that the distributed artifact is
first and foremost a buildable source tarball. Without it, it is not a
You may have system requirements ("thou shalt need Maven 2.0.6 or
2.0.9" ) and you should provide full build instructions to produce the
projects binary. And if you distribute a binary, it should be the same
thing that gets produced by following your instructions.

And the above is not really up for debate either. At the end of the
day, people will rely on tarballs, checksums (download integrity) and
signatures (manipulation integrity), and those are the primary
artifacts that Apache Infrastructure will archive and get mirrored
around the world.
Maven artifacts are really nice to have for Maven users, but is
exactly that; "Nice to have".

Now, you are free to go banging on Maven's door that their built-in
workflow doesn't support the Apache policy very well. They won't be
surprised, and IIRC there has been a lot of discussion over there to
make it happen.

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java

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