On 28-Apr-09, at 11:50 AM, Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
Calm down, Jason. No one was attacking Maven.
I'm not upset, seriously. This is standard fare here, and only
pointing out having any solution which involves Maven might better be
on a path that actually involves Maven developers.
The Apache Software Foundation requires a project (not just an
podling. All projects) to release source in a form that can be used to
recreate the binaries.
For the current state of the Shindig release, this is not possible.
was saying anything else.
For Apache, we release source code that is immediately consumable to
by downloading an artifact from our servers through www.apache.org/dist
potentially be able to rebuild the artifact.
In general, this is a tarball / zip of the contents of a Subversion
Everything beyond that is
- optional
- a convenience to our users
This especially goes to
- binary archives (whether these are .jar archives in Java or Binary
for a platform in non-Java land)
- source/javadoc in another, better consumable form for IDEs
Supporting these is nice to users, but the required part is the
tarball that
I can go into and say <build-command> (be it ant, maven or make) and
something that can be used.
This is not the case for Shinig in its current state. Whether this is
acceptable or not to the Incubator PMC members is another question.
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 09:49, Jason van Zyl <jvan...@sonatype.com>
On 26-Apr-09, at 8:25 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 6:46 AM, Vincent Siveton
<vincent.sive...@gmail.com> wrote:
You need to do a checkout of the tag to build it.
The source artifacts provide only java source, no build file.
As others have pointed out, the ASF releases Open SOURCE, not Open
Binaries and part of the policy is that the distributed artifact is
first and foremost a buildable source tarball. Without it, it is
not a
You may have system requirements ("thou shalt need Maven 2.0.6 or
2.0.9" ) and you should provide full build instructions to produce
projects binary. And if you distribute a binary, it should be the
thing that gets produced by following your instructions.
And the above is not really up for debate either. At the end of the
day, people will rely on tarballs, checksums (download integrity)
signatures (manipulation integrity), and those are the primary
artifacts that Apache Infrastructure will archive and get mirrored
around the world.
Maven artifacts are really nice to have for Maven users, but is
exactly that; "Nice to have".
Now, you are free to go banging on Maven's door that their built-in
workflow doesn't support the Apache policy very well.
Don't spread FUD like that. You don't have any idea how Maven
releases work
so I'll take a moment and explain it to you.
For a release like Maven we have N modules, where each module
produces a
JAR, and each of those is released. Each JAR carries with it the
POM inside
it, but is in a form which can be automatically utilized by IDE
to automatically be downloaded and integrated with debuggers. All
the legal
bits are in the JARs and legally intact as it were. The blue print to
actually build that individual JAR is in the JAR by default in
Maven. You
can't just unpack that source JAR and build it and that's for a
reasons: the first is that it's generally useless and the second is
that we
create a source archive of the entire release with all the modules
which is
what we recommend. As with Maven, the tagged sources for the build
distributed along with the binaries. This is a matter of setting up
a source
assembly, not hard to do.
That said, show me any non-Maven project that makes individual JARs
have the capability of rebuilding themselves. There aren't any here
Apache. What gets produced is a overall source archive. And show me
as advanced and useful to developers where grabbing the source JARs
debugging is transparent or materializing sources from binary
coordinates is a button click. Again, nothing does that besides
Maven and
the corresponding IDE integrations. So Maven adheres to any
standard for the
overall release but goes way above and beyond to actually produce
far more useful for actually doing work.
So please don't try to explain to people what Maven does when you
actually understand it yourself. What gets released as the N
modules is
complementary to aggregate release which is compliant with Apache.
So if
Shindig doesn't have the overarching source archive that's not hard
to add.
But there is not a single non-Maven build at Apache where a JAR
from multi-JAR build where that JAR carries with it the information
to build
itself. You are confusing an aggregate release with the releases of
individual components which is what Maven users need to consume. We
for both for the case where a user grabs the distribution to use,
and the
case where someone is building a Maven plugin (most often in an IDE
Maven is not installed) and transparently grabs the dependencies --
individual JARs from a Maven release -- so they can build their
We do the necessary and the nice to have. More working developers
care about the nice to have.
They won't be
surprised, and IIRC there has been a lot of discussion over there to
make it happen.
Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java
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Jason van Zyl
Founder, Apache Maven
Simplex sigillum veri. (Simplicity is the seal of truth.)
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Jason van Zyl
Founder, Apache Maven
We know what we are, but know not what we may be.
-- Shakespeare
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