On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 14:28:06 +0200
Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It might look, admittedly, strange that an ASF officer is not an ASF 
> member, but for the PMC chair role, the person has been selected 
> because he cares very much about one project: this doesn't make the 
> person 'automatically' caring for the entire foundation.

This is what I found it hard for me to comprehend. 

The current *members* are caring for the "entire" foundation,
including the jakarta/xml/ws/cocoon/james/maven/ant/db, etc.. ?

For example, a current ASF member (Mr. XX) really knows what
is "XML-Forrest" and what is "Jakarta-Alexandria"?
(I am afraid not ... so, it was the motivation of the creation
of "The Apache Newsletter", to tell the truth)

If I have a confidence that all the "current" *members* are
caring for the "entire" foundation, I would be sure that the Incubator
project would also go well and be in successful (Because incubation
requires the membership). If not, I am afraid Incubator Project
itself would become just an obstacle.


__ Tetsuya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> __

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