Hi Alex.

Take a look at the wiki page:

you need to create a .Qdecrc file in the qdec directory to tell qdec about 
the filenames with the .long in it:

Also QDEC will not know about our new files (e.g. lh.long.thickness-spc...). 
We can tell it to look for them by creating a qdec/.Qdecrc file in the qdec 
directory that contains the following lines:

MEASURE1 = long.thickness-avg
MEASURE2 = long.thickness-rate
MEASURE3 = long.thickness-pc1
MEASURE4 = long.thickness-spcYou can then run qdec and do all kinds of 
analysis on any of those files and other variables from the qdec table:

qdec --table ./qdec/cross.qdec.table.datBest, Martin----- Original 
Message ----- 
From: "Alex Hanganu" <al.hang...@yahoo.ca>
To: "Martin Reuter" <mreu...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Cc: "FS Mailing List" <Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Qdec - longitudinal. File missing

> Hello Martin, thanks for your answer,
> I used the --qcache. The cmd was:
> long_mris_slopes --qdec qdecfile --meas thickness --hemi 
> lh --do-avg --do-rate --do-pc1 --do-spc --do-stack --do-label --time 
> months --fwhm 10 --qcache fsaverage --sd SUBJECTS_DIR
> All the bases subjects have the specific files after this cmd: 
> lh.long.thickness-avg[pc1/rate/spc].fwhm0[5, 10, 15, 20, 25].fsaverage.mgh
> but the file that qdec asks for - is missing in all the bases subjects. 
> Qdec asks for: lh.thickness ... but long_mris_slopes created: 
> lh.long.thickness...
> it seems to be a qdec error ? maybe.
> btw, i changed the qdec.bin and qdeclibs.tgz with the last versions, from 
> the release notes link. Also i used the last version of long_mris_slopes, 
> from 2012/05/30. We work on mac leopard, but the recon-all -all / -base 
> and -long was performed on linux (cluster).
> Sincerely,
> Alex.
> Le 09/11/2012 9:14 PM, Martin Reuter a écrit :
>> Hi Alex,
>> check the bases of other subjects. Are there any fwhm????fsaverage
>> files?
>> Did you run with the --qcache flag? Then these should have been created.
>> Maybe you passed a specific fwhm value different from 10?
>> Best, Martin
>> On Fri, 2012-11-09 at 17:13 -0500, Alex Hanganu wrote:
>>> Dear FreeSurfer Experts,
>>> we performed the long_mris_slopes cmd and finished without error.
>>> According to the "Longitudinal Processing Tutorial", we created after
>>> that the cross sectional form of the qdec table, and then the
>>> qdec/.Qdecrc file.
>>> When running the qdec analyses, we receive an error:
>>> Couldn't open ...subjects-base/surf/lh.thickness.fwhm.10.fsaverage.mgz
>>> or mgh file.
>>> The file is missing, it wasn't created.
>>> What did we miss ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Alex.
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