
Is there a reason you don't want to coregister them with AFNI's coregistration?

Regardless, AFNI also has a program to covert AFNI format to ANALYZE format 

Be aware however that AFNI supports all 48 possible data orders, while ANALYZE 
does not... so keep good track of the right-left aspect of your data.


At 10/7/2005 01:49 PM, you wrote:
>I was wondering if anybody has any insight into the best way to coregister
>functionals with anatomicals in Freesurfer.  I am looking for an automated
>method of coregistration.  I noticed the spm_coregister command, but I am
>working with AFNI BRIK files, and I assume this requires Analyze format.  Any
>Nate Parks
>Freesurfer mailing list

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