On 5/14/2018 3:10 PM, Rostislav Pehlivanov wrote:
> On 14 May 2018 at 18:45, Derek Buitenhuis <derek.buitenh...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 6:28 PM, Rostislav Pehlivanov
>> <atomnu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> iive just noticed you joined, said hi, and you left saying you were
>>> attacked. Since when is a normal form of welcoming back considered an
>>> attack? I agree with jamrial, you definitely overreacted.
>> If you actually believe it was a welcome back, you must be willfully
>> ignorant of ... well, iive. I may note I purposely was not mentioning
>> specific names.
>> Day I left:
>> [21:34:17 CEST] <iive> jamrial: Derek for sure will cause more
>> problems, when he comes back. He will come back.
> Yes, its an attack. A full year before you rejoined for a few minutes.
>> 13:23  -!- Daemon404 [~who_knows@pdpc/supporter/student/Daemon404] has
>> joined #ffmpeg-devel
>> 13:46 <@iive> and Daemon404 is back.
> That's a greeting, a welcoming back. You know, you're with friends, you get
> some money together, one of you goes to the store to grab a few beers, he
> comes back, "Ah, and you're back, and you bought enough beers, great.".

No, it's not a greeting or a welcoming back. It was a statement.
Now, friendly or unfriendly? I don't know. But the context doesn't
support the former option.

Still, i still think it was something that should have been ignored.

> It
> would be an attack if someone said "Ah, and you're back, and I see you
> bought the worst flavored water they sold there and kept the change.".  You
> don't walk out with the beers as soon as you hear "Ah, and you're back"
> because that someone attacked your personal choice last time you went to
> the store and this time you made some effort to find something else for
> them.
>> That should put to rest an notion it was a friendly "welcome back".
> Sorry, still not seeing it as an attack. When you left, sure, but not when
> you returned.
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