I have to say in VM's defense that it is working very well for me (and
has supported IMAP for a very long time) and there are indeed people
working actively it. The old 7.19 version has indeed been frozen for a
long time, but I am using the latest versions out of the repo on
Launchpad and Savannah,


with emacs 23. While it is clear that it does not have a huge team
behind it, as you can see there Uday S. Reddy and Ulrich Mueller are
quite active maintainers (there were 28 commits in March, for

VM provides all the functionality I need (including very good MIME and
html support, interacting very well with w3w) with an interface that
is very natural to emacs users (similar to rmail) and which avoids the
complications of gnus.  There is a good interface to maildir for
example, and also to org mode. The virtual folder mechanism is really
very good.

The only missing thing for me is direct support for maildir but the VM
maintainers are currently working on it.


 Manuel Hermenegildo                     | Prof., C.S.Dept., T.U. Madrid (UPM)
 Director, IMDEA Software and CLIP Group | +34-91-336-7435 (W) -352-4819 (Fax)

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