On 31 Mar 2010, at 21:09, Gary wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 08:53:17PM +0100, Leo wrote:
>> although many people have been saying it is
>> intimidating, it is not.
> Oh yes it is :)

I kind of agree. This brings up another question, related to the recent 
discussion about making a 'ready to fly' emacs/org-mode package, suitable for 
the non-emacs-sapiens that are attracted by org-mode.

I can imagine those people would like to send their carefully crafted org 
buffers by email. Do you expect them to set up gnus/vm/wanderlust/... ? I guess 

So, wouldn't it be good if org could send those nicely formatted emails using 
their mail clients? 'M-x org-send-email' and woosh, there it goes!

Org prepares the body, then tells the mail app to prepare an mail with it. On 
the mac with Mail.app that's fairly easy to do with Applescript, and I guess 
other mac clients provide similar access. On Windows or *nix I don't know, but 
I can only assume similar functionality exists.

Maybe we needs some hooks in some places to encode images and such, and a way 
to deal with the communication with the mail client, ... 

Wooosh, it would be nice.


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