Earlier messages
Messages by Thread
[BUG] Got error opening existing org file in emacs 30.1 [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.1/lisp/org/)]
Steinar Bang
Re: [BUG] Got error opening existing org file in emacs 30.1 [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.1/lisp/org/)]
Rohit Patnaik
Org Agenda errors if agenda file is in column view
Rens Oliemans
Re: Org Agenda errors if agenda file is in column view
Rick Lupton
Select a region and yank a URL to create a link
General discussions about Org-mode.
Re: Select a region and yank a URL to create a link
Re: Select a region and yank a URL to create a link
Rudolf Adamkovič
[BUG] Update to emacs 30.1/org-mode 9.7 changed agenda sort [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/org/)]
Doug Harris
[PATCH] Fix (org-babel-remove-result-one-or-many) to remove results of call lines as well
Momchil Ivanov
agenda-custom-commands: tags-todo resetting sorting-strategy?
[PATCH] Add code element inside src-block in ox-html
Nikolaos Chatzikonstantinou
Re: [PATCH] Add code element inside src-block in ox-html
Rudolf Adamkovič
[BUG] error [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.1/lisp/org/)]
Timothee Besset
Org Crypt problems
David Masterson
Re: Org Crypt problems
Leo Butler
Re: Org Crypt problems
David Masterson
Re: Org Crypt problems
Leo Butler
One big file or multiple small ones
Sébastien Gendre
Re: One big file or multiple small ones
Rens Oliemans
Re: One big file or multiple small ones
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: One big file or multiple small ones
Dov Grobgeld
Do we really need this?
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Re: Do we really need this?
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Do we really need this?
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
[BUG] Org report [9.7.19 (9.7.19-??-5a4686915 @ /Users/butlerlocal/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-29.4/org/)]
Kevin Butler
ob-haskell has stopped working
Lawrence Bottorff
Re: ob-haskell has stopped working
Re: ob-haskell has stopped working
Lawrence Bottorff
Re: ob-haskell has stopped working
Re: ob-haskell has stopped working
Lawrence Bottorff
Re: ob-haskell has stopped working
Re: ob-haskell has stopped working
Lawrence Bottorff
Repeater in a time-range?
David Masterson
Re: Repeater in a time-range?
Rens Oliemans
Re: Repeater in a time-range?
David Masterson
Re: Bug: Abrupt window-start changes with hidden emphasis markers and display-line-numbers-mode enabled
Ihor Radchenko
[BUG] The org-indent-drawer function does not work for drawers in plain lists since commit af300bd5b
Vins Xiro
Re: [BUG] The org-indent-drawer function does not work for drawers in plain lists since commit af300bd5b
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] The org-indent-drawer function does not work for drawers in plain lists since commit af300bd5b
Vins Xiro
[Feature Request] Adding custom indices for Texinfo export (and maybe unaffiliated dual-value keywords?)
General discussions about Org-mode.
[BUG] Warning: org-element-cache [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)]
Ting Boon Ghee
Re: [BUG] Warning: org-element-cache [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] Warning: org-element-cache [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
org-toggle-timestamp-overlays fails to remove display property
Jason Hemann
Re: org-toggle-timestamp-overlays fails to remove display property
Ihor Radchenko
Re: org-toggle-timestamp-overlays fails to remove display property
Ihor Radchenko
[BUG] 30.1; regression to 29.4 org-mode wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.1/lisp/org/)]
General discussions about Org-mode.
Re: [BUG] 30.1; regression to 29.4 org-mode wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/30.1/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Worg Patch: Adding refcard-org-beamer to Tutorials
David Masterson
Re: Worg Patch: Adding refcard-org-beamer to Tutorials
Ihor Radchenko
[BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Daniel Dinnyes
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Question regarding org-publish-find-title cache
Thomas Ingram
Re: Question regarding org-publish-find-title cache
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Question regarding org-publish-find-title cache
Thomas Ingram
Re: Question regarding org-publish-find-title cache
Ihor Radchenko
[BUG] Org renders markup contained within LaTeX inline math delimiters [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/)]
Arsen Arsenović
Re: [BUG] Org renders markup contained within LaTeX inline math delimiters [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Bug? Option :makeindex does not work with org-publish-use-timestamps-flag
Jens Lechtenboerger
Re: Bug? Option :makeindex does not work with org-publish-use-timestamps-flag
Ihor Radchenko
[PATCH] Enable makeindex with org-publish-use-timestamps-flag (was: Bug? Option :makeindex does not work with org-publish-use-timestamps-flag)
Jens Lechtenboerger
Surprising behavior when org-table-get-remote-range returns a single value
Richard Sent
Re: Surprising behavior when org-table-get-remote-range returns a single value
Ihor Radchenko
org-return after citation fails with 'no link found'
Tyler Smith
Re: org-return after citation fails with 'no link found'
Ihor Radchenko
Re: org-return after citation fails with 'no link found'
Tyler Smith
[PATCH] ob-dot: Add `graphviz-dot' language alias
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: [PATCH] ob-dot: Add `graphviz-dot' language alias
Thomas S. Dye
Re: [PATCH] ob-dot: Add `graphviz-dot' language alias
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [PATCH] ob-dot: Add `graphviz-dot' language alias
Rudolf Adamkovič
[FR] org-read-date-style
Zoey Hewll
[PATCH] Sanitize links in headings to avoid broken Texinfo menus
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: [PATCH] Sanitize links in headings to avoid broken Texinfo menus
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [PATCH] Sanitize links in headings to avoid broken Texinfo menus
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: [PATCH] Sanitize links in headings to avoid broken Texinfo menus
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [PATCH] Sanitize links in headings to avoid broken Texinfo menus
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: [PATCH] Sanitize links in headings to avoid broken Texinfo menus
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [PATCH] Sanitize links in headings to avoid broken Texinfo menus
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: [PATCH] Sanitize links in headings to avoid broken Texinfo menus
Ihor Radchenko
[BUG] Imenu, problem at first pass [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)]
Re: [BUG] Imenu, problem at first pass [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Failure of asynchronous org exports and poly-org
Benjamin McMillan
Re: Failure of asynchronous org exports and poly-org
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Failure of asynchronous org exports and poly-org
Benjamin McMillan
Re: Failure of asynchronous org exports and poly-org
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Failure of asynchronous org exports and poly-org
Benjamin McMillan
Publish and file exclude
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Publish and file exclude
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Publish and file exclude
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Publish and file exclude
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Publish and file exclude
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Publish and file exclude
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Publish and file exclude
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Publish and file exclude
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Publish and file exclude
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Publish and file exclude
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Publish and file exclude
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Publish and file exclude
Sébastien Gendre
[BUG] Highlighting bug on code blocks [9.7.20 (N/A @ /gnu/store/nbqz4xh45yvlpw9dqqfpxp82v0f82vk4-emacs-org-9.7.20/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.7.20/)]
Pierre-Henry Fröhring
Re: [BUG] Highlighting bug on code blocks [9.7.20 (N/A @ /gnu/store/nbqz4xh45yvlpw9dqqfpxp82v0f82vk4-emacs-org-9.7.20/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.7.20/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Q: Documentation question on beamer and org
David Masterson
Re: Q: Documentation question on beamer and org
Sébastien Gendre
[PATCH] Re: Q: Documentation question on beamer and org
Leo Butler
Re: [PATCH] Re: Q: Documentation question on beamer and org
David Masterson
Re: [PATCH] Re: Q: Documentation question on beamer and org
Naresh Gurbuxani
Re: [PATCH] Re: Q: Documentation question on beamer and org
David Masterson
[BUG] org-table-sum not working as expected [9.8-pre (release_9.7.21-252-g9a3b22 @ ~/.emacs.d/org-mode-git/lisp/)]
Paul Stansell
Re: [BUG] org-table-sum not working as expected [9.8-pre (release_9.7.21-252-g9a3b22 @ ~/.emacs.d/org-mode-git/lisp/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] org-table-sum not working as expected [9.8-pre (release_9.7.21-252-g9a3b22 @ ~/.emacs.d/org-mode-git/lisp/)]
Paul Stansell
Re: [BUG] org-table-sum not working as expected [9.8-pre (release_9.7.21-252-g9a3b22 @ ~/.emacs.d/org-mode-git/lisp/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Include a document combine the titles on the HTML export
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Include a document combine the titles on the HTML export
Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Re: Include a document combine the titles on the HTML export
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Include a document combine the titles on the HTML export
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Include a document combine the titles on the HTML export
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Include a document combine the titles on the HTML export
Sébastien Gendre
Re: Include a document combine the titles on the HTML export
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Include a document combine the titles on the HTML export
Sébastien Gendre
Warning/Error message seen on an org file...
Rivoallon, Frederic
Re: Warning/Error message seen on an org file...
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Warning/Error message seen on an org file...
Rivoallon, Frederic
Re: Warning/Error message seen on an org file...
Ihor Radchenko
[BUG] Invalid custom types in org-table and org-clock [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /home/rpluim/repos/emacs/lisp/org/)]
Robert Pluim
Re: [BUG] Invalid custom types in org-table and org-clock [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /home/rpluim/repos/emacs/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [BUG] Invalid custom types in org-table and org-clock [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /home/rpluim/repos/emacs/lisp/org/)]
Robert Pluim
Re: [BUG] Invalid custom types in org-table and org-clock [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /home/rpluim/repos/emacs/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
org-babel: Cannot get `:pp' to work
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: org-babel: Cannot get `:pp' to work
Ihor Radchenko
Re: org-babel: Cannot get `:pp' to work
Rudolf Adamkovič
[BUG] "#+STARTUP: hideblocks" not always working as expected [9.8-pre (release_9.7.18-205-g0ce4f3 @ ~/.emacs.d/org-mode-git/lisp/)
Paul Stansell
Re: [BUG] "#+STARTUP: hideblocks" not always working as expected [9.8-pre (release_9.7.18-205-g0ce4f3 @ ~/.emacs.d/org-mode-git/lisp/)
Ihor Radchenko
Hope to improve the `org-set-property` performance
problem in sorting headings that start with timestamps
General discussions about Org-mode.
Re: problem in sorting headings that start with timestamps
Ihor Radchenko
Re: problem in sorting headings that start with timestamps
Uwe Brauer
Re: problem in sorting headings that start with timestamps
Ihor Radchenko
Improve documentation of org-reverse-note-order
Karthik Chikmagalur
bug#48676: Arbitrary code execution in Org export macros
Stefan Kangas
bug#48676: Arbitrary code execution in Org export macros
Max Nikulin
org code highlight w/ single quote
Jason Hemann
Re: org code highlight w/ single quote
Ihor Radchenko
Re: org code highlight w/ single quote
Rohit Patnaik
Re: org code highlight w/ single quote
Ihor Radchenko
org upgrade warnings from a simple package-upgrade
Ship Mints
org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line behavior
Lei Zhe
Re: org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line behavior
Lei Zhe
Re: org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line behavior
Ihor Radchenko
Re: org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line behavior
Lei Zhe
Automating Note Linking in Zetteldeft Using AI
Gideon Silberman Moro
Re: Automating Note Linking in Zetteldeft Using AI
Jean Louis
Re: Automating Note Linking in Zetteldeft Using AI
Gideon Silberman Moro
[BUG] org-table-duration-custom-format has wrong type spec [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /home/tbb/code/emacs/emacs/lisp/org/)]
Mauro Aranda
Re: [BUG] org-table-duration-custom-format has wrong type spec [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /home/tbb/code/emacs/emacs/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
[BUG] org agenda parsing [9.7.11 (9.7.11-6a5d0e @ /home/rivals/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.7.11/)]
Rivals Eric
Re: [BUG] org agenda parsing [9.7.11 (9.7.11-6a5d0e @ /home/rivals/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.7.11/)]
Ihor Radchenko
[FR] [ox-html] export timestamps and durations via HTML5 <time> element
Lukas Epple
Re: [FR] [ox-html] export timestamps and durations via HTML5 <time> element
Ihor Radchenko
[PATCH]: make ox-beamer obey global export title/author settings
Pedro A. Aranda
[PATCH]: make ox-latex obey global export title/author settings
Pedro A. Aranda
Re: [PATCH]: make ox-latex obey global export title/author settings
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [PATCH]: make ox-latex obey global export title/author settings
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [PATCH]: make ox-latex obey global export title/author settings
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
[BUG] Links in code block can't be opened [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)]
Juha Autero
Re: [BUG] Links in code block can't be opened [9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @ /usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/org/)]
Ihor Radchenko
Bug: octave newline not printed when using :session [9.8-pre (release_9.7.18-205-g0ce4f3)]
Paul Stansell
Re: Bug: octave newline not printed when using :session [9.8-pre (release_9.7.18-205-g0ce4f3)]
Ihor Radchenko
Re: Bug: octave newline not printed when using :session [9.8-pre (release_9.7.18-205-g0ce4f3)]
Paul Stansell
[PATCH] Have org-string-width's temporary buffer be declared as such
Jules Tamagnan
Re: [PATCH] Have org-string-width's temporary buffer be declared as such
Jules Tamagnan
Re: [PATCH] Have org-string-width's temporary buffer be declared as such
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [PATCH] Have org-string-width's temporary buffer be declared as such
Ihor Radchenko
Org mode version 9.8-pre (9.8-pre-n/a-gc2d57d @ /home/n/.emacs.d/elpaca/builds/org/); org-babel-execute:emacs-lisp relies on pp's implicit return value
No Wayman
Re: Org mode version 9.8-pre (9.8-pre-n/a-gc2d57d @ /home/n/.emacs.d/elpaca/builds/org/); org-babel-execute:emacs-lisp relies on pp's implicit return value
Ihor Radchenko
#16 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, Feb 12, 19:00 UTC+3
Ihor Radchenko
[PATCH] Improve the clock-out message
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: [PATCH] Improve the clock-out message
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: [PATCH] Improve the clock-out message
Kévin Le Gouguec
Re: [PATCH] Improve the clock-out message
Ihor Radchenko
Re: [PATCH] Improve the clock-out message
Kévin Le Gouguec
Re: [PATCH] Improve the clock-out message
Rudolf Adamkovič
Re: [PATCH] Improve the clock-out message
Ihor Radchenko
Field constraints?
Daniel Colascione
insert a header and automatically a timestamp with date/time
General discussions about Org-mode.
Re: insert a header and automatically a timestamp with date/time
General discussions about Org-mode.
Re: insert a header and automatically a timestamp with date/time
General discussions about Org-mode.
Re: insert a header and automatically a timestamp with date/time
Re: insert a header and automatically a timestamp with date/time
General discussions about Org-mode.
Re: insert a header and automatically a timestamp with date/time
Earlier messages