Hi Peter,

peter.fri...@agfa.com writes:

> So, wouldn't it be good if org could send those nicely formatted
> emails using their mail clients? 'M-x org-send-email' and woosh, there
> it goes!

I agree this would be nice, however my initial reaction is that this
will be the sort of project which has to be rewritten/tweaked for each
individual personal system configuration.

That said, since mml is distributed as part of Emacs, then the entire
mime encoding process could end up being relatively easy, the only
question is how to convince guified email clients to send pre-packaged
mime email.  I suspect this will be difficult for most email
applications, and impossible for web email clients (e.g. Gmail).

Also, if user's can send fancy email from civilian email clients why
would they switch to "real" Emacs based email clients. :)

> Org prepares the body, then tells the mail app to prepare an mail with
> it. On the mac with Mail.app that's fairly easy to do with
> Applescript, and I guess other mac clients provide similar access. On
> Windows or *nix I don't know, but I can only assume similar
> functionality exists.

That's great that this would be easy with Mail.app.  My uneducated guess
is that it will also be fairly easy with *nix clients like Thunderbird,
near impossible with MS Outlook, and fully impossible with web clients.

Hopefully I'm wrong on this, and I'd be happy to work on the org export
and mime-encoding portions of this task.

Cheers -- Eric

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