> Sebastian Rose <> writes:
>> writes:
>>> David Maus <> writes:
>> //....//
>>>     - Message-ID derived from node's ID. This would be quite useful for
>>>       associating replies with original notes/nodes.
>> In that case, each mail sent from the subtree would have the same
>> message-ID, which is invalid, since the ID is made to identify a certain
>> email. It's supposed to be world wide unique for at least two years.
>> Your provider would replace your (probably invalid) ID anyway.
> I've written *derived* which means
> org-<ID>-<current-time>-<user-mail-address> also fits. Right?

Not sure. I only remember bad things with self generated
message-IDs. But I never tried it myself. Reading the RFCs will help.

>> I believe it's not implemented, because it's easy to just
>>   C-c @
>>   C-x m
>>   Enter addresses (bbdb helps a lot here)
>>   C-y
>>   evtl. edit the contents
>>   C-c C-C
> Which only proves that it is possible to do it automatically.

Yes, sorry, I don't want to stop anyone from doing it :)

>> There's simply no need to implement it for Gnus users.
>> Emacs+Org+bbdb+Gnus implement it already.
> How about attachments? How, at least, to get their full paths into kill
> ring? Wether we like it or *not* some things can't be done in pure
> text/plain.
> Putting a headline as a subject (with or without tags) makes it even
> better as well as stripping any drawers (leading stars?). From the very
> beginning I assumed there is a way of doing what I need just right now
> but I described some enhancements that make work even less
> troublesome. Imagine:
>   C-c C-x m (org-send-node e.g.)
>   C-c C-c
> would be possible for a well prepared node (bbdb link stored as a
> property). What makes nodesending even more appealing to me is that I
> can have my emails (at least some of them) well organized with org (and
> git) and attached to other things I do.

Well, if you often resend a node, it makes absolutely sense, I guess.

I always write my mails from scratch. But, on the other hand, I could
imagine an Org-file with email templates like that. E.g. for mailing to
certain groups of people.

Best wishes


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