
> Hello.
> I've just made a note which I would like to send (with its attachment)
> via email. Is it possible? I mean, I would like to select a node (C-c @)
> and then few keystrokes more and have the letter sent or at least opened
> in a mail composing window with the subject set to the title of the
> note, attachments attached and waiting for me to choose an addressee.

Perhaps rather than pushing the actual mail sending into an org-mode
function this could be handled as a new export target.  Something like
org-export-as-email or org-export-as-html-mail, which could export the
org-mode buffer (or narrowed subtree -- read "node") to a message buffer
from which it could be easily sent.

Such an export function could be the appropriate place to handle
attachments, html conversion, etc...

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