(Łukasz Stelmach) writes:
>> writes:
>>> Sebastian Rose <> writes:
>>>> writes:
>>>>> David Maus <> writes:
>>>> //....//
>>>>>     - Message-ID derived from node's ID. This would be quite useful for
>>>>>       associating replies with original notes/nodes.
>>>> In that case, each mail sent from the subtree would have the same
>>>> message-ID, which is invalid, since the ID is made to identify a certain
>>>> email. It's supposed to be world wide unique for at least two years.
>>>> Your provider would replace your (probably invalid) ID anyway.
>>> I've written *derived* which means
>>> org-<ID>-<current-time>-<user-mail-address> also fits. Right?
>> Not sure. I only remember bad things with self generated
>> message-IDs. But I never tried it myself. Reading the RFCs will help.
> RFC 2822
>    The "Message-ID:" field provides a unique message identifier that
>    refers to a particular version of a particular message.  The
>    uniqueness of the message identifier is guaranteed by the host that
>    generates it (see below). (...) a good method is to put the
>    domain name (or a domain literal IP address) of the host on which the
>    message identifier was created on the right hand side of the "@", and
>    put a combination of the current absolute date and time along with
>    some other currently unique (perhaps sequential) identifier available
>    on the system (for example, a process id number) on the left hand
>    side.

Still, not sure. From what I read about message IDs, they are to be
produced by mail servers - not email clients.

If my provider (gmx) receives my outgoing mail, it deletes the
Message-ID and generates a new one. They do not want Humpdy Dumpdy to
send mails with their own Message-ID, because there's a risk: it might
not be world-wide unique. I would do that, too.

I cannot set the Message-ID in mailers like Gnus, Evolution, Outlook,

If I'm wrong, I'd be interested in a way to that - so I could try it


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