writes: > David Maus <> writes: //....// > - Message-ID derived from node's ID. This would be quite useful for > associating replies with original notes/nodes.
In that case, each mail sent from the subtree would have the same message-ID, which is invalid, since the ID is made to identify a certain email. It's supposed to be world wide unique for at least two years. Your provider would replace your (probably invalid) ID anyway. > These are of course my whishful thoughts, especially the one with > Old-Sent-To. I think, however, that org-mode with them implemented would > be even greater tool than it is today. I believe it's not implemented, because it's easy to just C-c @ C-x m Enter addresses (bbdb helps a lot here) DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN C-y evtl. edit the contents C-c C-C There's simply no need to implement it for Gnus users. Emacs+Org+bbdb+Gnus implement it already. Sebastian _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.