Hi Lukasz,

At Wed, 18 Nov 2009 17:46:43 +0100,
lukasz.stelm...@iem.pw.edu.pl wrote:
> I've just made a note which I would like to send (with its attachment)
> via email. Is it possible? I mean, I would like to select a node (C-c @)
> and then few keystrokes more and have the letter sent or at least opened
> in a mail composing window with the subject set to the title of the
> note, attachments attached and waiting for me to choose an addressee.

It *should* be possible but as far as I am aware of there's currently
no implementation for this. As Orgmode does not depend on any
particular email program this would require a particular function for
every supported mail program. I.e. a function that executes the right
things to let the mail program compose a new mail.

Hum. As I tend to write important mails first below a corresponding
todo headline, than copy'n'paste it such functionality could be

I suppose the first thing to do is brewing a function that scrapes all
relevant information (i.e.: subject, content, attachments) and returns
a property list that can be used by mua specific functions to call the
mua and instruct it to create the mail.

What about:

  - Subject: current entries headline without todo keyword and tags

  - Body: the entries content up to the next headline w/o drawers and

  - Attachments: full path to the entry's attachments

  -- David

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