Victor Zhou writes:
> It's extremely hard, however, to show the world that some new RR Type = N has
> been used by many services and clients for a specific use case and in a 
> certain
> way. That's why we are intending to come up with a way to show early adoption,
> begin early adoption, and then migrate.

I don't quite understand how your proposed mechanism is an improvement
for a way to show early adoption ... except, acknowledging John
Levine's point, that current web platforms for editing zone contents
continue to be an obstacle for using new types.  Do you have something
else in mind?

That was just one of your five bullet points, and if it's the driving
one then it should be focused and the four others, which are largely
inaccurate, dropped.  Or, we could focus on getting the biggest
platforms to allow unknown types.

Even if this proposal is pursued, let's not kid ourselves about "and
then migrate".  It's really just ultimately a means for overlaying
multiple uses of TXT indefinitely.

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