On 5 Oct 2015, at 17:42, Suzanne Woolf wrote:
First, thanks to the engaging on this.
On Oct 5, 2015, at 5:20 PM, "Joe Abley" <> wrote:
Perhaps it's time to sit back and wait for others here to express an
I'd like to hear opinions from others in the WG with an operational
interest in the DNSSEC root trust anchor.
Does this document meet a need you have? If so, how well does it meet
the need, and what would it take (if anything) for the document to
meet that need more effectively?
Having written an implementation of what is in the document and knowing
at least two much more clueful people who also did that I think this
document fills a need. Having people distinguish their configuration
from their code and instead using code to get the initial trust anchor
with it IMHO certainly serves a purpose.
So yes we should publish this, and as is is fine with me.
So long
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