For BIND is is essentially useless as we use DNSKEYs as our trust
anchors.  You can go from a DNSKEY to a DS record.  You can't go
from a DS record to a DNSKEY, you can only select from a set of
DNSKEYs the one or more (not that I expect that to ever happen)
that matches a DS.

If you are going to publish trust anchors they should be easy to
use.  No one types in DS or DNSKEY records so data length really
shouldn't be a consideration.  They are all entered using cut-and-paste.
There is no reason to only publish DS records.


In message <>, Suzanne Woolf writ
> All,
> First, thanks to the engaging on this.
> On Oct 5, 2015, at 5:20 PM, "Joe Abley" <> wrote:
> > 
> > Perhaps it's time to sit back and wait for others here to express an opinio
> n.
> I'd like to hear opinions from others in the WG with an operational interest 
> in the DNSSEC root trust anchor. 
> Does this document meet a need you have? If so, how well does it meet the nee
> d, and what would it take (if anything) for the document to meet that need mo
> re effectively?
> I'm trying not to put the mechanics (whether/how/by whom published) ahead of 
> the actual purpose of publishing.
> thanks,
> Suzanne
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