> > Absolutely not (recommend ISPs should delegate).  While it would be good
> > if an ISP offered this to interested parties, don't expect to saddle the
> > operator with yet another service that expects the customer to
> > reply/provide out-of-band information.
> The point of delegating is is that in most cases the customer won't populate 
> it, and in the cases where they want to, it is now their problem, not the 
> ISP's problem. So Paul gets his "I am a luser" signal, and I get my PTR tree. 
> All nodes are not equal on the Internet, but that should be by choice, not by 
> design. 
Putting my ISP hat on:

- Our business customers can already have reverse zones delegated if
they ask.

- For our residential customers, should we be expected to delegate
lots of reverse zones that mostly wouldn't be populated? I can easily
see how this could lead to extra calls to customer support, extra
logging of failures on name servers, etc. In short, most likely extra
cost. Since residential service is a very low margin game, anything
which adds to the cost of providing the service is a non-starter. Not
gonna happen.

Steinar Haug, AS 2116

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