I lost a more comprehensive response due to an application crash...

IMHO, asking this in DNSOP is not the right place. Judging from messages
about spam, some rely on PTRs and some rely on other approaches.  That's a
better discussion, not one in front of DNS people.  In the sense that no
RFC can "force" an operator into publishing anything it doesn't want to

On 5/13/15, 17:18, "Ted Lemon" <ted.le...@nominum.com> wrote:

>On May 13, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Tony Finch <d...@dotat.at> wrote:
>> ISPs should delegate the relevant part of the IPv6 reverse DNS tree to
>> customer, so the customer can provision PTR records as required.
>Yes, this is what we should recommend.

Absolutely not (recommend ISPs should delegate).  While it would be good
if an ISP offered this to interested parties, don't expect to saddle the
operator with yet another service that expects the customer to
reply/provide out-of-band information.

I know I wouldn't bother.  Simply because I do not, for my home life, have
any DNS servers.  For one, my ISP provides me one IPv4 address, from a
DHCP pool.  For two, I don't want to spend my life beyond work replicating
what I do for work.

And with the kids these days...with their mobile devices...I'm sure they
don't either.

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