At Wed, 13 May 2015 09:02:25 -0700,
Paul Vixie <> wrote:

> > I’m revising draft-howard-isp-ip6rdns again. Several folks have said
> > something like, “There should be no expectation that a residential ISP
> > will populate PTRs for all of its customers.” When I started this
> > document, five or six years ago, there didn’t seem to be consensus on
> > that point. I hear a lot of support for it these days, and disdain for
> > people who rely on PTRs. (I think we generally agree that PTRs for
> > servers are good).
> >
> > Is there consensus now that ISPs don’t need to provide PTRs for their
> > customers?
> i can't judge consensus, but i would join one on this point.
> manufacturing PTR RR's for every IoT device we connect is crazy talk. in
> 1995 or so william simpson proposed an ICMP message to ask an endpoint
> its name, and at the expected density, this is still a better plan for
> anything that's not a server.

(maybe an off-topic for this thread but FYI) We have a "standard" of
this for IPv6: RFC4620.  Unfortunately it's mostly useless in practice
since it MUST be refused for global use by default.

JINMEI, Tatuya

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