On 06/04/2018 10:04 AM, goli...@dyne.org wrote:
On 2018-06-04 11:56, KatolaZ wrote:
On Mon, Jun 04, 2018 at 05:46:54PM +0100, Mark Rousell wrote:
On 04/06/2018 17:01, KatolaZ wrote:
> Microsoft knows that GitHub is a goldmine of ideas and cool projects,
> and owning it means profiling the free software community with an
> unprecedented accuracy.

But if most of those projects are open source ones then Microsoft (or
anyone else) would have had access to all that information anyway.
Owning GitHub does not seem to me to get them anything substantially new
as far open source projects are concerned.

You can't effectively crawl the whole GitHub using GutHub's API (have
you tried?). And you can't track all the changes and trends in real
time. Unless you own GitHub.



That plus access to all personal information.  A veritable goldmine!  I don't see anything good coming out of this development.


Microsoft paying billions for github and github is operating millions in the red, this is a I hate linux move. In 2002 microsoft wanted to kill linux, 4 years ago microsoft wanted to kill linux and today microsoft wants to kill linux period. A killer is not logical and you should in no way trust a killer no matter how sweet they may seem, just say NO!

People are meeting evil at a cross road here, for your own good just say no.
Jimmy Johnson

Devuan Jessie - TDE Trinity R14.0.4 - AMD A8-7600 - EXT4 at sda2
Registered Linux User #380263

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