On Mon, 4 Jun 2018 17:46:54 +0100
Mark Rousell <mark.rous...@signal100.com> wrote:

> On 04/06/2018 17:01, KatolaZ wrote:
> > Microsoft knows that GitHub is a goldmine of ideas and cool
> > projects, and owning it means profiling the free software community
> > with an unprecedented accuracy.  
> But if most of those projects are open source ones then Microsoft (or
> anyone else) would have had access to all that information anyway.

It's like the difference between a bad guy hacking your system remotely
and his having physical possession. In the former case, he must come in
using specific protocols, and on a relatively slow wire. In the latter
case, he sets up an alternative OS instance to brute-force scan the
system at a speed orders of magnitude faster.

Steve Litt 
June 2018 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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