Le 05/06/2018 à 08:48, Lars Noodén a écrit :
Of the the targets for purchase, I'd say that Canonical is weakest and
M$ always goes after the weak and crappy products.  Ubuntu is not crappy
but Canonical is not in good shape and like Red Hat it has been
infiltrated at the executive level by "former" Microsofters.  But unlike
Red Hat because Canonical is much smaller, these are a much higher
percentage of the team and have an outsized influence.  A purchase could
further damage upstream Debian and thus Devuan.

    They have enough money to buy any private company. The most usefull is RH because it has the full control over systemd and most other distros are now dependant on systemd. All the Linux community is strongly dependant on RH, not only via systemd, but because RH is the most important developper in Linux, including in the kernel. And RH is already developping the bizness model of making profit out of Linux.

    I'm convinced systemd is a major step delibaretely made by RH in view of its resale to M$.


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