
Am 07.06.24 um 11:41 schrieb Aivaras Stepukonis:

2024-06-04 14:42, Matthias Seidel rašė:
Of course SVG would be the best, but AOO is not yet ready for it. At the moment we need to export small and large icons as PNG.

I think, it is still more prudent if they supply the icon set in SVG, and if SVG is not available in AOO by v4.2, it would be easy to convert them to PNGs, while keeping the SVG versions for a future upgrade.
Definitely, icons should be designed as SVG. We can always export them to the needed PNG later.

2024-06-04 14:42, Matthias Seidel rašė:
Hard to say, Galaxy is the most complete set:


8,530 graphics overall. Assuming half of them being for HC and some are not used at all that could be around 4.000 icons (small and large).

Beware that there are not only icons but also other graphics (StartCenter, Wizards, ...) in an icon set.

For missing icons (graphics) our code uses "Industrial" as fallback.

Thank you for this info! So the target is to produce some 2000 original drawings (regardless of the sizes).

In fact some icons (e.g. Folder open) are used in multiple places. So the actual number should be smaller.

As a starting point I changed (most of) the icons that are visible in Writer:


In fact, the icon set can be built step by step until it is complete.

One last question: how is AOO UI performing on 4K monitors, in particular its icons? Is there anything to take into consideration while planning for the new icon set? (I’ll be switching to a 4K monitor next year, but for now have no experience to rely on.)

I have no idea, I use no 4K monitor. ;-) The icons can be scaled but since they are PNG the quality will decrease at some point.



Pagarbiai / Sincerely,
📧 Aivaras Stepukonis <mailto:astepuko...@gmail.com>

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