Hi Aivaras, Am 03.06.24 um 11:07 schrieb Aivaras Stepukonis:
Hi,2024-06-03 01:28, Matthias Seidel rašė:[…] we would need icon sets for Light UI, Dark UI and High Contrast.If we decide to work on a new icon set it should be suitable for all these use cases. And we could make it the default theme in a later (major) release.2024-06-03 02:17, Pedro Lino rašė:I’ve made a note about the need to also supply the dark mode variant. I’ll ask the designer (if I find one) about high contrast as well.The more obvious solution is to that each icon set has a light and dark modes that switches according to the OS and that HC is a separate mode (set in Acessibility) which uses a particular HC icon set also with light and dark modes, among other changes (like the green lines)What is the file format of the icons in OO 4.1.x; PNG, SVG, something else? SVG would open a number of possibilities to control the appearance of icons via logic (such as inversion/change of color).
Of course SVG would be the best, but AOO is not yet ready for it. At the moment we need to export small and large icons as PNG.
We use 16x16 for the small ones. Large icons can have 26x26 (Galaxy), 24x24 (Industrial)...
The sizes are defined in our code: https://github.com/apache/openoffice/blob/trunk/main/vcl/inc/toolbox.h#L44
How many icons are there in the OO4.1.x set (to get an idea of the scope of labor required)?
Hard to say, Galaxy is the most complete set: https://github.com/apache/openoffice/tree/trunk/main/default_images8,530 graphics overall. Assuming half of them being for HC and some are not used at all that could be around 4.000 icons (small and large).
Beware that there are not only icons but also other graphics (StartCenter, Wizards, ...) in an icon set.
For missing icons (graphics) our code uses "Industrial" as fallback. Regards, Matthias
-- Pagarbiai / Sincerely, 📧 Aivaras Stepukonis <mailto:astepuko...@gmail.com> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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