2024-05-31 22:31, Matthias Seidel rašė:
Under which license ist it released now? And if they would do a
complete set and contribute it, would it be OK for them that it will
be under ALv2 then?
Yes, I’d make it clear that the icon set has to be contributed under AL
v2. Iconify.design should be well aware of the terms, as their own
website is released under AL v2. The icon sets in their library are all
open source; however, the type of license varies from set to set.
The way I see it, we do need a designer for the new OO icon style to be
complete and to look consistent and up-to-date. Thus, my proposal is to
reach out and see whether we can attract one. I’ll make an effort to do
so, but before I do, I need to collect additional information, so I can
present our needs to the Iconify.design crowd in a clear and concise
First off, what visual goals are we trying to achieve through the new
icon style?
OO 4.x ships with four icon styles: 1) Galaxy (Default), 2) High
Contrast, 3) Industrial, and 4) Classic. I have juxtaposed their
appearances in this image:
The two that stand out as more current are Galaxy and Industrial, the
first being more colorful and stereometric, and the latter less colorful
and more planimetric (“flatter”).
How do these styles fare in comparison to what many, if not most, users
of productivity software see and work with today? To answer this
question, I looked at the iconographies of Google Docs
and Microsoft Office
Google Docs is a good example of flat (planimetric) iconography: clean,
mostly monochrome, and font-like. This style is very popular, if not the
most popular, today in web design with relatively small (!) icon sets.
The world-wide propagation of Font Awesome is a testament to this.
Microsoft Office is a good example of a more traditional iconography yet
modernized and improved in many respects: it looks thinner, lighter, and
flatter than the OO Galaxy, but retains color-coding to further
distinguish and differentiate the controls. For a complex UI like that
of OO, I find the iconography of Microsoft Office a better source of
emulation than that of Google Docs, emulation of what is stylistically
As a result, our visual goal for the new icon style could be to produce
a style that hearkens back to Galaxy but is further refined to look
current and in line with the latest generation of OS (the most
widespread being Windows 11) and productivity suites (the most
widespread being Microsoft Office). The style should still be originally
conceived and executed, with the roots in Galaxy (innovation of
tradition, as it were).
Does this sound like a reasonable path to tread in terms of our visual
Pagarbiai / Sincerely,
📧 Aivaras Stepukonis <mailto:astepuko...@gmail.com>
2024-05-31 22:31, Matthias Seidel rašė:
Hi Aivaras,
Am 31.05.24 um 18:40 schrieb Aivaras Stepukonis:
However, if someone knows other icons to use, please speak up.
Another good resource is https://iconify.design/
It is important that the icons share the same style, though.
Perhaps we could settle on a stylistic direction we are happy with
from what is publicly available, and ask the author to contribute to
OpenOffice a complete set? There is a chance they might be interested
in doing this.
In fact, I happen to know the developer of iconify.design personally,
I could ask for help finding a professional graphics volunteer for
this task.
Under which license ist it released now? And if they would do a
complete set and contribute it, would it be OK for them that it will
be under ALv2 then?
(I think it’s worth pursuing this task only if it is done well and
feels like a stylistic upgrade; otherwise, the current set of icons
isn’t broken, and needs no fix.)
This is work in progress...
The PR could be merged to trunk, which is our development branch that
will never be released.
Even if we cherry-pick it for AOO42X that version will not be released
any time soon.
And I doubt that a new icon set will ever get into AOO41X (just
because we are not able to add new strings there).
Pagarbiai / Sincerely,
📧 Aivaras Stepukonis <mailto:astepuko...@gmail.com>
2024-05-31 19:06, Matthias Seidel rašė:
Hi All,
Some may already have seen it, I opened a PR to add a new icon theme.
This is just a proof of concept. I used icons from Remix because
they are available and under ALv2:
However, if someone knows other icons to use, please speak up.
Until we have consensus on this topic the PR will remain a draft
open for everyone.