Hi Aivaras, Am 31.05.24 um 18:40 schrieb Aivaras Stepukonis:
Under which license ist it released now? And if they would do a complete set and contribute it, would it be OK for them that it will be under ALv2 then?However, if someone knows other icons to use, please speak up.Another good resource is https://iconify.design/It is important that the icons share the same style, though.Perhaps we could settle on a stylistic direction we are happy with from what is publicly available, and ask the author to contribute to OpenOffice a complete set? There is a chance they might be interested in doing this.In fact, I happen to know the developer of iconify.design personally, I could ask for help finding a professional graphics volunteer for this task.
(I think it’s worth pursuing this task only if it is done well and feels like a stylistic upgrade; otherwise, the current set of icons isn’t broken, and needs no fix.)
This is work in progress...The PR could be merged to trunk, which is our development branch that will never be released.
Even if we cherry-pick it for AOO42X that version will not be released any time soon.
And I doubt that a new icon set will ever get into AOO41X (just because we are not able to add new strings there).
Regards, Matthias
-- Pagarbiai / Sincerely, 📧 Aivaras Stepukonis <mailto:astepuko...@gmail.com> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2024-05-31 19:06, Matthias Seidel rašė:Hi All, Some may already have seen it, I opened a PR to add a new icon theme. https://github.com/apache/openoffice/pull/214This is just a proof of concept. I used icons from Remix because they are available and under ALv2:https://remixicon.com/ However, if someone knows other icons to use, please speak up.Until we have consensus on this topic the PR will remain a draft open for everyone.Thoughts? Regards, Matthias
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