Hi Aivaras, Matthias, all

> On 06/02/2024 12:36 PM WEST Aivaras Stepukonis <astepuko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The way I see it, we do need a designer for the new OO icon style to be 
> complete and to look consistent and up-to-date. Thus, my proposal is to 
> reach out and see whether we can attract one. I’ll make an effort to do 
> so, but before I do, I need to collect additional information, so I can 
> present our needs to the Iconify.design crowd in a clear and concise 
> fashion.
> First off, what visual goals are we trying to achieve through the new 
> icon style?

I think it would be perfect to have a designer. If you can attract one that 
would be fantastic. For the moment Remixicon is a quite complete image set and 
apparently the authors are available to add new ones.
> As a result, our visual goal for the new icon style could be to produce 
> a style that hearkens back to Galaxy but is further refined to look 
> current and in line with the latest generation of OS (the most 
> widespread being Windows 11) and productivity suites (the most 
> widespread being Microsoft Office). The style should still be originally 
> conceived and executed, with the roots in Galaxy (innovation of 
> tradition, as it were).
> Does this sound like a reasonable path to tread in terms of our visual 
> expectations?

That would be my preference too. I think that monochromatic icons are dull and 
require more focus than colored ones which are more easily identifiable. But 
again, a custom designed icon set requires a designer. Using existing icons 
only requires technical skills.

> >> (I think it’s worth pursuing this task only if it is done well and 
> >> feels like a stylistic upgrade; otherwise, the current set of icons 
> >> isn’t broken, and needs no fix.)

Current icon sets are not broken but they are incomplete. But this new icon set 
would bring not only a UI modernization (for those who want it) but most 
importantly to add a proper Dark Icon set instead of the High Contrast which is 
currently the Dark style by default.

> 2024-05-31 22:31, Matthias Seidel wrote:

> >>> Until we have consensus on this topic the PR will remain a draft 
> >>> open for everyone.

First of all thank you for your effort to investigate how to add a new icon set!

I would call this theme simply Remixicon (not remixdark) and the inverted, 
(i.e. light image icons) can be added in the same folder without affecting High 

As I explained in a previous message the High Contrast icons are the fallback 
if the icon set does not contain the lch or sch icons.
You (Matthias) can test this by simply copying the lch and sch icons I sent you 
in a zip to

Please see a screenshot of my latest Linux build based on the 
Pilot-Pirx-iconset branch


I believe these are excellent news because it solves the Linux Dark mode 
problem without affecting people who use the High Contrast
icon style.

With this said, if a designer can be attracted it would be ideal, regardless if 
he/she creates a new theme from scratch or creates a set based on Remixicon (or 
other existing icon set).

All the best,

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