
2024-06-03 01:28, Matthias Seidel rašė:
[…] we would need icon sets for Light UI, Dark UI and High Contrast.

If we decide to work on a new icon set it should be suitable for all these use cases. And we could make it the default theme in a later (major) release.

2024-06-03 02:17, Pedro Lino rašė:
The more obvious solution is to that each icon set has a light and dark
modes that switches according to the OS and that HC is a separate mode
(set in Acessibility) which uses a particular HC icon set also with
light and dark modes, among other changes (like the green lines)
I’ve made a note about the need to also supply the dark mode variant. I’ll ask the designer (if I find one) about high contrast as well.

What is the file format of the icons in OO 4.1.x; PNG, SVG, something else? SVG would open a number of possibilities to control the appearance of icons via logic (such as inversion/change of color).

How many icons are there in the OO4.1.x set (to get an idea of the scope of labor required)?


Pagarbiai / Sincerely,
📧 Aivaras Stepukonis <mailto:astepuko...@gmail.com>

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