On Dec 5, 2013 10:28 PM, "Herbert Duerr" <h...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Kay,
> Kay Schenk wrote:
> > OK, here's a related 'boost" question. I have installed boost 1.54, but
> > it's for my distro and not totally complete, so I will install the rest
> > the "config/test" items today and verify installation.
> >
> > I am using --with-system-boost
> Ah, I didn't know that you were using --with-system-boost and that
> version being 1.54. This is an interesting detail that I hadn't seen in
> your earlier mails. It could explain most of the trouble you are
> experiencing. Do things work better with the internal version?

short story -- I couldn't get things to work with 1.49, so I decided to try
1.54. Errors, but different. At first I WAS using 1.49.

> > Is it OK to use this newer version because I'm getting errors [...]
> The 1.54 boost version you are using is much newer than the AOO internal
> version, which is version still at 1.48. We should upgrade our codebase
> to work with the newer version and update the internal boost then. This
> could solve many compile warnings that are spewed out for 1.48 and fix
> some hard problems like the one with the Solaris compilers.
> But as you saw such support for newer boost versions is more than just a
> recompile. Making AOO build with newer boost versions may be an
> interesting topic for a volunteer. One could leverage the experience of
> the very popular boost library to dive into many corners of the AOO
> codebase.

I'm not sure what some of this statement really means... but definitely a
worthwhile project for a volunteer!

> Herbert

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