On 02-Dec-2013, at 02:54, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

> Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> On 01-Dec-2013, at 19:22, Ian Lynch wrote:
>>> We can blame Ubuntu or Canonical or we can fix it.
>> This is not a new thing and I've asked that we provide clear clear
>> instructions to naive users (like, oh, me) about how to change it
>> without going geek.
> There's a step-by-step guide at http://www.openoffice.org/porting/ ; isn't it 
> easy enough? Does it need more visibility?

It's easy enough; thanks. But I think we need to give it more visibility, as on 
the download page. For many not clued into English Geek talk, "Porting" is not 
obviously the place they would look to find this.


> Regards,
>  Andrea.

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