On 11/30/13 11:45 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 1:13 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 30-Nov-2013, at 16:06, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Hagar Delest <hagar.del...@laposte.net>
>> wrote:
>>>> Le 27/11/2013 20:23, Rob Weir a écrit :
>>>>> Yesterday we reached 80,072,389 downloads.
>>>> Well, I also saw this:
>>>> https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=62425 (South
>>>> Tyrol government to standardise on LibreOffice) and especially the quote
>>>> from last post: "We opted for LibreOffice over OpenOffice because we
>> think
>>>> this gives us more guarantees. It has a more consistent and constantly
>>>> growing community of developers and by statute has to be independent
>> from
>>>> corporations," Pfeifer said.
>>> 7000 desktops?  Really?  We get more than that many downloads every
>>> *hour*, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (on average).  Just because
>>> our users are anonymous does not make them any less relevant.
>> Quite.
>>>> LibO is getting more and more momentum (French referential uses LibO
>> too,
>>>> something that will be implemented in more and more institutions). I
>> wonder
>>>> why AOO doesn't report similar successes.
>>> South Tyrol has been migration to OpenOffice for nearly a decade now.
>>> I remember seeing them give a presentation on this at the Orvietto
>>> OpenOffice.org conference, for example.  Hopefully one of these years
>>> they will complete this task.  But this is hardly news.
>> Indeed. In fact, their effort has gone in cycles, and those cycles seem to
>> me related to the job tenacity of a few. Of more interest, as it relates to
>> actualities, would be Munich's migration but also other cities' in Italy.
>>>> Are we lacking marketing power? Or key people?
>>> It depends on what you are trying to accomplish.  Any one migrating to
>>> a free office suite as part of a migration to Linux will either take
>>> LibreOffice or Calligra.  If we want to give them the easy choice of
>>> AOO as well then we need to get AOO packages for the distros.
>>> Personally I don't think the Linux desktop is worth the effort.  That
>>> is my personal view, and I don't force it on anyone else, but that's
>>> my honest opinion.
>> I agree with Rob.
> but...as a Linux person, this is somewhat sad for me -- although I
> personally have NO problems with installation. This said, the ease of
> installation on Linux seems to depend a lot on how easy your distro makes
> installing non-repo packages. My major concern at this point in the
> continuation of Linux packaging for AOO in some form.

I believe the clear message is that we will continue to support Linux
and other platforms in the same way as today. But we need people,
volunteers who have the interest and knowledge to work on a better
system integration, a better build system that allow disros to build
their own version of AOO for bundling easily and to fulfill their build
requirements etc.

And we should simply continue to deliver a good product. A good product
will grow the interest of a good distro to offer it at least as
alternative for their users. And if users ask more often for AOO on
their preferred Linux distro, I am sure it will recognized over time.

I don't have numbers but I heard from several people that customers move
back to AOO from LO. Well I don't know the reason and don't have numbers
but it shows me that we are not so bad and deliver something useful.


>> I also tend to think that even for something like AOO, mobile is on the
>> horizon and needs to be embraced. Not all modules of the suite will do well
>> in mobile—I don't relish the idea of doing spreadsheets, for instance, on a
>> tablet. But I also don't relish the idea of doing spreadsheets on anything.
>> I also don't cotton to the idea of porting AOO straight to Android or iOS.
>> I prefer the idea of developing native ODT editors.
>> But mobile is an inescapable object in our present's future.
> Agreed.
>>> Regards,
>>> -Rob
>> -louis
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