Am 12/02/2013 08:54 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
On 01-Dec-2013, at 19:22, Ian Lynch wrote:
We can blame Ubuntu or Canonical or we can fix it.
This is not a new thing and I've asked that we provide clear clear
instructions to naive users (like, oh, me) about how to change it
without going geek.

There's a step-by-step guide at ;
isn't it easy enough? Does it need more visibility?

when I would search for install instructions, then I won't expect a different webpage than for install instructions:

The first hit wins. ;-)


This gives an interesting first hit. Maybe someone with Ubuntu could test this and can report the results (is it working?, is it easy?, compatible for non-geeks?, etc.).

Finally, to add this link additionally to the porting webpage due to Debian is OK but must not be the only one.



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