On Jul 14, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Marcus (OOo) <marcus.m...@wtnet.de>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I tie up to Kay's suggestion to discuss a new policy. So, new topic, new
>>>> thread.
>>>> For reference here is the old policy:
>>> http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Release_criteria#Localization_requirements
>>>> My new suggestion:
>>>> 1. Don't make a difference between UI and Help.
>>>> 2. Accepted translations that are 90% or better.
>>>> 3. *Except* we have a big or strategic new feature like the Sidebar. This
>>>> should be translated much better than 90%.
>>>> Why?
>>>> 1. Do we want to make differences between UI and help translation? Do
>>>> average users accept English help topics for translated UI functions? I
>>>> don't think so.
>>>> 2. In the previous OOo project translations were accepted with 80% or
>>> better
>>>> for a release. IMHO this is too low to offer a high quality release.
>>>> 3. New features that are also promoted in release note, blog post, etc.
>>>> should be fully translated as the attention of our users is high here.
>>> They
>>>> want to give it a try and shouldn't be disappointed with not translated
>>>> parts.
>>>> And now, add your points.
>>> I'd prefer to keep the current rule, 100% UI translation.   But I'd be
>>> open to requiring 100% for help as well.   IMHO we should be raising
>>> the bar, not lowering it.
>>> If there is a community willing and able to translate to 90% then
>>> there should be community willing and able to translate to 100%.
>> In many cases, it is probably a "time" factor rather than an interest
>> factor. I'm not really familiar with the normal tracking and communication
>> between translation volunteers and developers on this list with respect to
>> release date targets, however. Maybe this needs improvement.
>>> There is no technical or community reason to stop at 90%.  It is only
>>> a question of time.  I'd prefer we just wait for 100% translation and
>>> then release it.
>>> On the other hand, if a language is stuck at 90% and there are no
>>> active volunteers, then I don't think we should release it.  If it
>>> will not get to 100%, then we're just release something that will
>>> reflect poorly on us and will slowly degenerate from release to
>>> release.
>> yes, I agree.
>>> In other words, if it is merely a case of waiting another month or two
>>> and then releasing a high-quality 100% translation, then I think that
>>> is better than releasing something only partially done.
>>> Also, there is the "slippery slope" here.  If we allow 90% complete
>>> then someone will beg for 89% complete, or 88% complete.
>> again, agreement
>>> What I would favor is making builds available, maybe at the level of
>>> AOO 4.0, in all languages that are "close", maybe 80% or 90%.  Not for
>>> release or distribution, but to help volunteers evaluate its current
>>> state and help translate.
>> hmmmm...I don't know how this would mesh with Apache release policy.
>> I  guess what you're saying is they could be handled like development
>> snapshots, but ultimately fail the release test? We need to investigate
>> this.
> I mean treat it *exactly* like we do a dev snapshot.  It is not
> advertised outside of the project.   The only difference is it would
> be built with the AOO 4.0 release code revision.  Or think of itas
> being an early build of the re-release of AOO 4.0 with additional
> languages.   Eventually, if/when the translation is completed, we have
> a RC at that time, and a vote and then they are released.

So a policy could be that we will build Dev Snapshots of Language Packs if the 
translation is over N%?

Where N could be 80 or 75%?

I think that this would encourage language communities to make the effort.


> -Rob
>>> Regards,
>>> -Rob
>>>> Marcus
>>>> Am 07/14/2013 05:43 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:
>>>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 8:13 AM, Rob Weir<robw...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 3:42 AM, Juergen Schmidt<jogischm...@gmail.com
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Am Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013 um 06:35 schrieb imacat:
>>>>>>>> On 2013/07/13 20:52, Ariel Constenla-Haile said:
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 12:20:32PM +0200, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Am 07/13/2013 05:14 AM, schrieb Ariel Constenla-Haile:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 11:54 PM, imacat<
>>>>>> ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry. I did not see Traditional Chinese version. Did I missed
>>>>>>>>>>>> something on the Traditional Chinese version?
>>>>>>>>>>> UI translation is not complete:
>>>>>> https://translate.apache.org/zh_TW/aoo40/
>>>>>>>>>> I can see that 97% is translated. Not that bad. Do we have an
>>>>>>>>>> agreement that we need 100% for a release?
>>>>>>>>> http://markmail.org/message/pxgvjuw2j3ukqsom
>>>>>>>>> Concerns should have been risen at that time, it was discussed on
>>> the
>>>>>>>>> mailing list, and properly tagged ("if it does not happen on the
>>>>>> mailing
>>>>>>>>> list...").
>>>>>>>>>> I'm asking because I really don't know it and in former OOo times
>>> we
>>>>>>>>>> have done releases for languages with at least 80% translated UI
>>>>>>>>>> [1]. So, maybe a change that I haven't seen in the last weeks.
>>>>>>>>> For this particular case, the translation of the main 4.0.0 feature
>>> is
>>>>>>>>> incomplete
>>>>>> https://translate.apache.org/zh_TW/aoo40/svx/source/sidebar/
>>>>>>>>> How serious would it be to release this translation in such a state?
>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>> same applies to other languages released in 3.4.* but not in this
>>>>>> 4.0.0
>>>>>>>>> RC.
>>>>>>>> Hmm... I see the problem with side bar translation. And I'm very
>>>>>>>> sorry that I was in my research paper and did not notice the previous
>>>>>>>> discussion. However, there are several issues of concern:
>>>>>>>> 1. I am going to give a talk in our largest local open source
>>>>>>>> conference (COSCUP 2013, http://coscup.org/) on 8/3, and plan to
>>>>>>>> announce OpenOffice 4.0. It is the first talk after the key notes. It
>>>>>>>> would be very embarrassing to announce it without a local version
>>>>>> released.
>>>>>>>> 2. There would be a large-scale deployment around August or September
>>>>>>>> (6000-7000) in a government department, and they are planning to join
>>>>>>>> our development force in order to fix some Chinese problems in
>>>>>>>> governmental use. If OpenOffice 4.0 Traditional Chinese version is
>>> not
>>>>>>>> available at that time, we could only give them 3.4.1, which their
>>>>>>>> development could not be based on.
>>>>>>>> I've asked our local community to help the translation in urgent.
>>>>>>>> If we can finish the Traditional Chinese sidebar translation with
>>>>>>>> certain amount, could it be OK to release it?
>>>>>>> let translate the UI First and then we can figure out what's possible.
>>>>>> Hopefully some other languages can continue the translation as well and
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> can think about a language only release where I am a big fan of to
>>>>>> support
>>>>>> local communities.
>>>>>> There is obviously some tension in our goals here:
>>>>>> 1) We want to release the good work that is already done, so users who
>>>>>> can enjoy the new features, bug fixes, interop improvements, etc.
>>>>>> 2) We also have some languages that are "almost" done and don't want
>>>>>> to "miss the train".
>>>>>> IMHO the way to resolve this tension is to let the current 4.0 train
>>>>>> leave the station, but announce another train is leaving soon.  Maybe
>>>>>> we can set a goal of September 16th for either a 4.0.1 (if we're
>>>>>> making code changes for a new critical bug) or a language update of
>>>>>> 4.0.0 (if there are only new translations).  Hopefully we all remember
>>>>>> that we did this with AOO 3.4.1 as well, adding more languages after
>>>>>> we released.
>>>>>> From what I can tell there is a steady stream of interest in
>>>>>> translating AOO to other languages.  There will always be another
>>>>>> language that is "almost ready".  That is what success looks like.  We
>>>>>> need to handle new translations when they are ready.  We can't hold up
>>>>>> the train, but we also can't make volunteers wait too long for the
>>>>>> next train.
>>>>>> So how does September 16th sound for releasing additional languages?
>>>>>> Is that enough time?
>>>>>> -Rob
>>>>> This seems quite reasonable to me. We need a little time for regrouping,
>>>>> and dealing with perhaps some minor issues that might pop up from the
>>> 4.0
>>>>> release.
>>>>> Re the old stated "policy" on :
>>> http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Release_criteria#Localization_requirements
>>>>> If this no longer our policy, we should definitely change this.
>>>>> But...I think we should  first discuss the policy. What levels of
>>>>> translation do we feel are acceptable if not at 100%. What do we
>>>>> absolutely
>>>>> require to be translated? Menus vs help files, for example.
>>>>> Once we determine translation thresholds, we should include the policy
>>> on
>>>>> the "Native Language" page on the project web site:
>>>>> http://openoffice.apache.org/native-lang.html
>>>>>>> But in general we have discussed it and I would have not released
>>> German
>>>>>> (my mother language) if the UI translation would have been not
>>> complete.
>>>>>>> Just to make sure that we need active local communities who
>>> participate
>>>>>> in the project or at least in the translation part.
>>>>>>> It would be even better if the help would be translated as well but
>>> that
>>>>>> is a much higher burden and we are more flexible here.
>>>>>>> Juergen
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>> MzK
>> Success is falling nine times and getting up ten."
>>                             -- Jon Bon Jovi
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