Hi Yonik,The issue is not the "fork", that's perfectly fine and your help is really appreciated. The issue is that it was released without renaming the package, leading to classpath conflicts when Commons CSV is released officially.
I opened an issue for Solr: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3204 Emmanuel Bourg Le 06/03/2012 03:03, Yonik Seeley a écrit :
Not sure I understand the use of "forked" here. Solr needed CSV handing. Rather than just roll our own, I looked at commons-csv and put a *lot* of time and effort into improving it. I didn't have time to follow through with a complete release of commons-csv, so we just included a snapsot in Solr. It's an internal implementation detail, and hopefully you'll all agree that commons-csv has benefited. There have been *no* custom additions or anything else - it's just a snapshot. Of course with the whole maven thing it almost makes it almost look like a release. I'm not a maven guy (and I don't particularly care for it). If there's something wrong with the maven config, hopefully you can explain that to the Lucene/Solr maven guys. To me, it's simply an implementation detail within solr and definitely shouldn't be advertised as any kind of official release on it's own. ps: I'm away for the week in Korea w/ limited internet access, so I'll most likely be unable to respond personally to any followups.
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