Le 06/03/2012 08:52, Jörg Schaible a écrit :

All that we can do now is to put a big red warning at commons-cvs homepage:

========== %<  ==========
CAUTION: If you use Apache Solr you run implicitly an incompatible version
of commons-csv that may affect your application. We have to refuse any help
for problems if you run also Apache Solr - we are sorry!
========== %<  ==========

The warning is a good idea. It might suggest upgrading to a more recent version of Solr.

ps: I'm away for the week in Korea w/ limited internet access, so I'll
most likely be unable to respond personally to any followups.

... and leaving the user's of commons-csv and Solr in the rain. Thanks!

Well, solr-commons-csv has been out in the wild for 2 years, so I guess the issue can wait a few more days now ;)

Emmanuel Bourg

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