Not sure I understand the use of "forked" here.

Solr needed CSV handing.  Rather than just roll our own, I looked at
commons-csv and put a *lot* of time and effort into improving it.  I
didn't have time to follow through with a complete release of
commons-csv, so we just included a snapsot in Solr.  It's an internal
implementation detail, and hopefully you'll all agree that commons-csv
has benefited.  There have been *no* custom additions or anything else
- it's just a snapshot.

Of course with the whole maven thing it almost makes it almost look
like a release.  I'm not a maven guy  (and I don't particularly care
for it).  If there's something wrong with the maven config, hopefully
you can explain that to the Lucene/Solr maven guys.  To me, it's
simply an implementation detail within solr and definitely shouldn't
be advertised as any kind of official release on it's own.

ps: I'm away for the week in Korea w/ limited internet access, so I'll
most likely be unable to respond personally to any followups.

-Yonik - Lucene/Solr Open Source Search Conference.
Boston May 7-10

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 8:12 PM, Emmanuel Bourg <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is actually a bad joke for all of us binary compatibility lovers. I
> just noticed that Solr forked Commons CSV and released it as a separate
> artifact, but kept the org.apache.commons.csv package unchanged :(
> Not a very pleasant discovery. I don't know how to handle this yet.
> Emmanuel Bourg

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