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Re: Intent to change default try selector from `syntax` to `auto` (ACTION NEEDED for try syntax users)
Andrew Halberstadt
Tree Closing Window (TCW): July 18
Chris Cooper
Re: Tree Closing Window (TCW): July 18
Re: Tree Closing Window (TCW): July 18
Chris Cooper
Re: Tree Closing Window (TCW): July 18
Chris Cooper
SpiderMonkey Newsletter #5
Jan de Mooij
PSA: On Windows, redirecting stdout & stderr to a file from mach commands that use python3 should now work
Bob Owen
Intent to prototype: unprefixed appearance property
Cameron McCormack
More volunteers needed for nightly crash triage rotation
Gabriele Svelto
Changes to string literals
Simon Giesecke
Re: Changes to string literals
Frederik Braun
Re: Changes to string literals
Simon Giesecke
Fission Newsletter #7
Kashav Madan
What hardware is needed to make a Firefox OS phone and can you list them?
Re: What hardware is needed to make a Firefox OS phone and can you list them?
Gabriele Svelto
Experimental Features in about:preferences
Jared Wein (Mozilla)
Re: Experimental Features in about:preferences
Sebastian Zartner
Re: Experimental Features in about:preferences
Jared Wein (Mozilla)
Can someone give me the files for Firefox marketplace?
Re: Can someone give me the files for Firefox marketplace?
Jeff Muizelaar
Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Chris Cooper
Re: Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Chris Cooper
Re: Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Jeff Muizelaar
Re: Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Andrew Halberstadt
Re: Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Tom Ritter
Re: Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Mike Hommey
Re: Shutting down legacy Taskcluster deployment
Intent to ship: WebAssembly bulk-memory-operations and reference-types proposals
Ryan Hunt
Re: Intent to ship: WebAssembly bulk-memory-operations and reference-types proposals
Yurishoya Magamiyato
Intent to Ship : HTML5 <dialog> element (Nightly Only)
Sean Feng
Re: Intent to Ship : HTML5 <dialog> element (Nightly Only)
James Teh
Re: Intent to Ship : HTML5 <dialog> element (Nightly Only)
Sean Feng
Re: Please don't use functions from ctype.h and strings.h
Chris Peterson
Re: Please don't use functions from ctype.h and strings.h
Henri Sivonen
Re: Please don't use functions from ctype.h and strings.h
Jason Orendorff
TC39 76th meeting (June, 2020)
Yulia Startsev
Soft code freeze for Firefox 79 starts June 25
Ryan VanderMeulen
Re: Soft code freeze for Firefox 79 starts June 25
Ryan VanderMeulen
Intent to ship: returning shared memory to the web
Anne van Kesteren
Re: Intent to ship: returning shared memory to the web
Lars Hansen
Intent to prototype HTML:inert
Alexander Surkov
Re: Intent to prototype HTML:inert
Intent to prototype: enterkeyhint attribute
Makoto Kato
Gecko Web Platform Update (2020-06-15)
Mike Conca
Announcing Fission Dogfooding
Nika Layzell
Please don't use locale-dependent C standard library functions (was: Re: Please don't use functions from ctype.h and strings.h)
Henri Sivonen
Re: Please don't use locale-dependent C standard library functions (was: Re: Please don't use functions from ctype.h and strings.h)
Jeff Gilbert
Re: Please don't use locale-dependent C standard library functions (was: Re: Please don't use functions from ctype.h and strings.h)
Frederik Braun
Plan to move macOS 10.9, 10.10 and 10.11 users to ESR78
Romain Testard
Using MOZ_LOG for Rust code
Valentin Gosu
PSA: Python min version bumped to 3.6 for building gecko
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: PSA: Python min version bumped to 3.6 for building gecko
Chris AtLee
Re: PSA: Python min version bumped to 3.6 for building gecko
Steve Fink
Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Gijs Kruitbosch
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Dave Townsend
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Gijs Kruitbosch
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Magnus Melin
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
David Major
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Aaron Klotz
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
James Teh
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Henri Sivonen
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Gijs Kruitbosch
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Dave Townsend
Re: Proposal: remove support for running desktop Firefox in single-process mode (e10s disabled) anywhere but in tests
Gijs Kruitbosch
Intent to unship: JavaScript BinAST prototype implementation
Ted Campbell
Intent To Ship: backdrop-filter
Erik Nordin
Re: Intent To Ship: backdrop-filter
L. David Baron
Re: Intent To Ship: backdrop-filter
Martin Thomson
Re: Intent To Ship: backdrop-filter
Sean Voisen
Re: Intent To Ship: backdrop-filter
Bobby Holley
Re: Intent To Ship: backdrop-filter
Intent to Ship: Require user interaction for session history entries
Johann Hofmann
Re: Intent to Ship: Require user interaction for session history entries
Re: Intent to Ship: Require user interaction for session history entries
Johann Hofmann
Intent to unship: prefers-color-scheme:no-preference value.
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
PSA: Precise test scheduling with |mach try auto|
Andrew Halberstadt
Re: PSA: Precise test scheduling with |mach try auto|
Bobby Holley
Intent to deprecate: stretching MathML operators with STIXGeneral fonts
Gecko Web Platform Update (2020-06-03)
Mike Conca
The Firefox Profiler switched to a new server!
Julien Wajsberg
Re: The Firefox Profiler switched to a new server!
Yurishoya Magamiyato
[desktop] Bugs logged by Desktop Release QA in the last 8 days
camelia badau
[desktop] Bugs logged by Desktop Release QA in the last 8 days
camelia badau
PSA: mozilla/gecko github repository being removed
Kartikaya Gupta
Intent to ship: JavaScript weak references
Jonathan Coppeard
Dogfooding desktop zooming
Botond Ballo
Intent to ship: ParentNode#replaceChildren
Alex Vincent
Re: Intent to ship: ParentNode#replaceChildren
James Graham
Re: Intent to ship: ParentNode#replaceChildren
Alex Vincent
Fission Newsletter #6
Anny Gakhokidze
Intent to Ship: <link rel=preload> and Link: rel=preload support on Nightly and Early Beta
Honza Bambas
Soft code freeze for Firefox 78 starts May 28
Julien Cristau
Re: Soft code freeze for Firefox 78 starts May 28
Julien Cristau
Intent to prototype: WebAssembly SIMD
Lars Hansen
Handing off W3C Advisory Committee duties
L. David Baron
Re: Handing off W3C Advisory Committee duties
Tantek Çelik
Intent to prototype: CSS aspect-ratio in [css-sizing-4]
Boris Chiou
Intent to prototype: ::file-chooser-button
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Firefox Security Newsletter - 2020 Q1
Frederik Braun
Re: Firefox Security Newsletter - 2020 Q1
Tom Ritter
Gecko Web Platform Update (2020-05-15)
Mike Conca
ESNI + webproxy not working: nsSocketTransport::ResolveHost()
Additions to ResultExtensions.h and mozilla::Result<V, nsresult>
Simon Giesecke
Please convert your mach commands to python 3
Kris Wright
You can delete ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ and
Andrew McCreight
Intent to Prototype: Schemeful Cookie Same-Site
Andrea Marchesini
Cargo.lock in hg repository?
Re: Cargo.lock in hg repository?
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Cargo.lock in hg repository?
Re: Cargo.lock in hg repository?
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Cargo.lock in hg repository?
Is --disable-libjpeg-turbo gone?
Re: Is --disable-libjpeg-turbo gone?
Mike Hommey
Re: Is --disable-libjpeg-turbo gone?
Re: Is --disable-libjpeg-turbo gone?
Mike Hommey
Re: Is --disable-libjpeg-turbo gone?
Intent to ship: "JS BigInt to I64 integration" WebAssembly proposal
Andy Wingo
Intent to ship: "JS BigInt to I64 integration" WebAssembly proposal
Asumu Takikawa
Firefox Build Requirements - NASM
Charles Robertson
Re: Firefox Build Requirements - NASM
Thomas Daede
Re: Firefox Build Requirements - NASM
Mike Hommey
Intent to ship: :read-only / :read-write pseudo-classes
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Intent to ship: :read-only / :read-write pseudo-classes
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Recent changes to nsTArray et al.
Simon Giesecke
Testing Rust code in tree
Dave Townsend
Re: Testing Rust code in tree
Dave Townsend
Re: Testing Rust code in tree
Nicholas Nethercote
Re: Testing Rust code in tree
Mike Hommey
Re: Testing Rust code in tree
Lina Cambridge
Re: Testing Rust code in tree
James Graham
Re: Testing Rust code in tree
Chris Hutten-Czapski
Re: Testing Rust code in tree
Nicholas Nethercote
SpiderMonkey Newsletter #4
Jan de Mooij
[Feedback] Tell us about Telemetry and help us make Glean great!
Alessio Placitelli
pc to slow you have teamview.?
Feedback requested: mach try auto
Andrew Halberstadt
Re: Feedback requested: mach try auto
Steve Fink
Re: Feedback requested: mach try auto
Andrew Halberstadt
New Triage Process: Triage Center Updated
Emma Humphries
[IMPORTANT] Submit your PI Requests for Firefox 78 QA feature testing by May 8
Tania Maity
Re: [IMPORTANT] Submit your PI Requests for Firefox 78 QA feature testing by May 8
Tania Maity
Tooling and reporting changes
Emma Humphries
Re: Tooling and reporting changes
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: Tooling and reporting changes
Emma Humphries
Re: Tooling and reporting changes
Emma Humphries
Intent to ship: RegExp dotAll flag (/s), unicode escape sequences, lookbehind assertions
[ANNOUNCEMENT] BMO development instance will have its data refreshed on Friday May 8th
David Lawrence
Looking for examples of bad IPC latency
Adam Roach
Changes to the Firefox Bug Triage Process [ If you use Bugzilla, read this ]
Emma Humphries
Soft code freeze for Firefox 77 starts April 30
Pascal Chevrel
Re: Soft code freeze for Firefox 77 starts April 30
Pascal Chevrel
Intent to Ship: inputmode attribute on Android (GeckoView)
Makoto Kato
Removing the XUL grid implementation
Tim Nguyen
Re: Removing the XUL grid implementation
Jared Wein (Mozilla)
Re: Removing the XUL grid implementation
Philipp Kewisch
Re: Removing the XUL grid implementation
Alexander Surkov
Intent to unship: window.external.AddSearchProvider
Mark Banner
Re: Intent to unship: window.external.AddSearchProvider
Tom Schuster
Re: Intent to unship: window.external.AddSearchProvider
Mark Banner
Intent to unship: title argument of Navigator.registerProtocolHandler
Frédéric Wang
Re: Intent to unship: title argument of Navigator.registerProtocolHandler
Frédéric Wang
Firefox Security Newsletter - 2019 in Recap
Johann Hofmann
Intent to prototype: Dynamic FPI
Gary Chen
Re: Intent to prototype: Dynamic FPI
Steven Englehardt
Re: Intent to prototype: Dynamic FPI
Gary Chen
How to enable hardware acceleration for Canvas2D on FF?
Intent to prototype and ship: CSS :is() and :where() pseudo-classes.
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Intent to prototype and ship: CSS :is() and :where() pseudo-classes.
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Intent to prototype and ship: CSS :is() and :where() pseudo-classes.
sime . vidas
TC39 March/April Summary
Yulia Startsev
Intent to ship: Logical Assignment for JavaScript
Yulia Startsev
PSA: Changes to Gecko/Firefox mirrors on github
Mike Hommey
Re: PSA: Changes to Gecko/Firefox mirrors on github
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: PSA: Changes to Gecko/Firefox mirrors on github
Mike Hommey
Anyone using the mapfiles? (Was: PSA: Changes to Gecko/Firefox mirrors on github)
Mike Hommey
Intent to prototype and ship: Tab modal system prompts
Paul Zühlcke
Remote Canvas 2D has been re-enabled on Nightly
Intent to ship: AudioWorklet
Karl Tomlinson
BMO Down for Maintenance Saturday April 18th starting at 9:00 AM EDT (1:00 PM UTC)
David Lawrence
Editor / IDE integration docs
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Editor / IDE integration docs
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Editor / IDE integration docs
Sylvestre Ledru
Intent to prototype ARIA reflection (non-IDREF)
Fenix Browsertime Migration & Chrome in CI
Gregory Mierzwinski
PSA: (Most of) mozilla/TypeTraits.h has been replaced with <type_traits>
André Bargull via dev-platform
Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Sarah Clements
Re: Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Nicholas Alexander
Re: Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Sarah Clements
Re: Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Re: Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Sarah Clements
Re: Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Nicholas Alexander
Re: Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Sarah Clements
Re: Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Andrew McCreight
Re: Deprecation notice - change to Treeherder's jobdetail API
Steve Fink
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