*Summary: *Make our :-moz-read-only / :-moz-read-write pseudo-classes
match the spec, and un-prefix them.
*Bug: *Bug 312971 <https://bugzil.la/312971>
*Standard: *https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#selector-read-only
*Platform coverage: *All
*Preference: *None. We've shipped the prefixed version of this
pseudo-class since forever.
*DevTools bug: *N/A
*Other browsers:* All other browsers ship it since a long time ago
according to caniuse <https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-read-only-write>.
Safari matches the spec. Chromium deviates from it
*web-platform-tests: *There are some rather broken tests and some tests
for dynamic changes. I'm fixing the tests to match the spec as part of
this work.
*Secure contexts: *This will not be restricted to secure contexts, like
many other CSS features. We ship the prefixed pseudo-class to non-secure
contexts, and other browsers ship the unprefixed version to them as well.
*Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes? *Yes, like
many other CSS features.
-- Emilio
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